Guidelines for submission of contributed papers

  Paper submission form  

International Conference

"Radiation Safety Challenges in the 21st Century"

Yerevan, Armenia         

June 20-21, 2012

Scientific Centre of Radiation Medicine and Burns 

& Yerevan Institute "Plastpolymer"

under the sponsorship 

of the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC)




Authors are requested to submit their contributions written in English according to the following instructions:

Your work and results must be clearly explained within the body of a manuscript.

Tables, figures and figure legends should be inserted in the text as appropriate.

Text of the papers must be no more than two A-4 pages typed single spaced.

At least 3 cm margins on all sides

  • Preferred font: Times New Roman  for the entire text
  • Title: 12 pt, capitalized, Bold
  • Name(s) of the author(s) as initials and family names (11pt).
  • Underline the name of the presenting author.
  • Affiliation (s), full addresses (including e-mail address of presenting and corresponding author) in the 10pt, Italic.
  • Each paper has to be accompanied by a completed "Paper Submission Form"

Arrange the abstract as follows:


(centered, in capitals, bold, 12pt)


(3x1 spacing


Author(s) (centered, regular, 11pt, underline the name of the presenting author)

Full addresses (including e-mail address of presenting and corresponding author)

(centered, regular, 10pt)


(3x1 spacing


Text (left aligned; single spaced; regular, 10pt), including the illustrations, tables and figures.


References (numbered)


Deadline for the submission of contributions is April  10, 2012



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