The Research Center of Radiation Medicine and Burns

 I. Administration and Management

   II. Department of Dispensary and Polyclinics:

1. Laboratory of functional diagnosis,
2. Commission on professional/preventive examinations

 III. Clinical Laboratory Department: 

· Laboratory of Clinical Diagnosis,
· Laboratory of Biochemistry,
· Laboratory of Immunology,
· Laboratory of Bacteriology

Ministry of Health, Republic of Armenia

Scientific Centre of Radiation Medicine and Burns 

WHO Collaborating Centre 

The Scientific Centre of Radiation Medicine and Burns, Ministry of Health, Republic of Armenia was founded in 1958 as a Department of Radiology, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, reorganized in 1985 as a Research Institute of Medical Radiology, Ministry of Health, Republic of Armenia, and renamed in 1995, acquiring the nomination: Scientific Centre of Radiation Medicine and Burns, Ministry of Health, Republic of Armenia.
Nowadays, the Centre involves: Centre for Radiation Medicine (CRM) and Centre of Burns (CB) - the unique specialized subdivisions in Armenia. CRM deals with the urgent problems of Radiation Medicine, Radiation Hygiene, Radiobiology, and Radiation Ecology.

In 1997 the Centre became a WHO Collaborating Centre in Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network - R E M P A N. Since 1998 the Chair on radiation medicine and burns of the National Institute of Health is attached to the Centre and is concerned with raising the level of the professional skills of medical staff of the Republic

Using the most advanced methods of investigation the highly qualified specialists conduct the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with general, total and local radiation injuries, as well as the individuals, who took part in liquidation of the consequences of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident and other radiation disasters.
CB has departments for adults and children, department of intensive care, traumatic emergency unit. It is equipped with modern facilities, has highly qualified specialists trained in foreign countries, who possess good command of modern methods of treatment of the seriously burned patients and use the experience of both native and foreign specialists.

  IV. Centre of Radiation Medicine:
- Department of Radiation Injuries,
Department of Radiation Safety,
- Department of Nuclear Medicine - Centre of Coordination and Methology
   V. Department of Burns

(60 ward beds)

 - Department for Children,
- Department for Adults,
- Intensive Care Unit

The hospital patients admitted in extremely critical condition get intensive treatment with the use of up-to-date methods of extra-corporeal detoxication (plasmapheresis, haemosorption, plasma -filtration, treating the blood with ultraviolet light. The operations are performed to reconstruct the integuments of those burned, including the active surgical practice at the early stages of injuries.The methods of plastic surgery are widely used during the rehabilitation period alongside with the physical therapy and folk medicine.

VI Scientific Department

1. Dep Radiation injuries
2. Dep Radiation Safety
3. Laboratory of Biophysics
4. Laboratory of radiation citogenetics
5. Laboratory of Radiation Pathological Physiology 


The scientific department of the Centre deals with the urgent problems of radiation medicine and burns of general theoretic and practical significance. It concerns the investigations pursued by the department of cytogenetics on biological indication and dosimetry of radiation injuries. The approaches are worked out to create medical and genetic consultations for individuals, exposed to mutagenic action of the environmental factors.
It is a problem of prime importance to study the patholophysiological mechanisms of the combined effects of low doses of radiation and psycho-emotional stress on the human organism. Researches are held on isolated and combined effects of ionizing and different non-ionizing radiation on the organism and some cell-membrane mechanisms as well as the search of new effective anti-radiation remedies.
 During the period of the activity a number of doctoral and candidate thesis were defended by the researchers of the Centre, more than 1000 articles were published in different periodicals, foreign and country, more than 80 monographs, Abstract books, materials / proceeding of symposiums, conferences, congresses. Dictionaries, handbooks, educational supplies were issued. Dozens of authors` certificates, gold and bronze medals of the Exhibition of National Economic Achievements were awarded for the scientific developments, conducted in the Center. Collaborators of the Center are prize-winners (laureates) of State bonus of Armenia for Science and Technology.



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